The Lord of the Rings; The Chronicles of Narnia; The Matrix; Star Wars - there is a common thread running through all these stories. The common thread is the theme of the conflict between good and evil. Each of these stories is based on a much older story that was recorded thousands of years ago in the Hebrew Scriptures. This archetypal narrative develops gradually and chronologically from the beginning of the Bible (the Book of Genesis) to its end (the Book of Revelation), and it culminates at the time when Jesus Christ, the coming Messiah, was crucified.
Why did Jesus die? Unveil the mystery of the cross beginning from the time of creation, tracing the storyline all the way to the conclusion of the human history.. The presentations are deeply and thoroughly scriptural and set in the context of the entire biblical narrative. Open your mind, widen your perspective and set your focus on the only One who has the power to completely defeat evil and overcome darkness. Examine the light emanating from the cross.
Reflections on creation, science and faith, God and the Universe. Consider the origins, various creation narratives, and creation through the Word of God. Discussing Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and their perspective on science, religion, God and the Universe. Elements of religion in science.
Ancient prophecies pointing to the critical times in history and crucial moments in the story of God's people. Relationship between the Book of Daniel, the Book of Revelation, Jesus' prophetic Olivet Discourse and the Apostle Paul's prophetic discourse in 2 Thessalonians. The key issues in the conflict between good and evil. When would the Messiah come according to Bible prophecy? Why was Jesus Christ crucified by the Romans?
Christ never wrote any scriptures. All the information we get about him is second hand information. It comes through the New Testament authors. That is why many prefer to study the apostle Paul rather than Christ. Paul spoke Greek fluently and his letters were written in Greek, so we get first hand information about Paul through his writings.
It is unlikely that Christ spoke Greek fluently, but he must have known some basics as it was the trade language of the day. Depending on his carpentry ‘contracts’ he would probably go to various market places and say ‘10 nails and a hammer please’ in Greek language. Eventually, he would have nails hammered into his body by others - why was Jesus Christ crucified by the Romans? Why did Jesus die?
In terms of his everyday interactions and communication in general, Christ probably spoke Aramaic and taught in Aramaic. But all of his words were written down and recorded in Greek language in the New Testament. There is not a single Aramaic manuscript in existence. Consequently, some details may be lost in translation when writing down Christ’s words in a language that he did not use when he was teaching. It is good to keep in mind that while his words were penned in Greek, Jesus had a Jewish mindset.
Moreover, the four gospel authors do not present Christ in terms of carbon copies, but each of the four Evangelists portrays Christ in a different, unique way, with different emphases. Each one has his own perspective, viewpoint and angle from which they observe and perceive him. Also, each one of them has a specific audience in mind. Thus, the four gospel authors complement each other and help us perceive Christ in from various perspectives.
Furthermore, each one of us has different ‘lenses’, different interests and different perspectives. Nobody can see the ‘Complete Christ’, but each one can offer only their own perspective. This website's presenter is aware of these limitations, and of the predicament of the inescapable human bias and subjectivity. What this site offers is a perspective on the person of Christ with intentional focus on the cross. And here, at least in this respect, there is an agreement between the presenter and the Apostle Paul who said, ‘For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.’ (1 Corinthians 2:2 NKJ)
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This site presents an eye-opening, enlightening story of the war between light and darkness with Christ crucified at the very centre of the narrative. Why did Jesus die? Why was Jesus Christ crucified by the Romans? Get a deeper insight into the nature of reality and the nature of this world that is full of conflict. Get a glimpse of the overall message of the Holy Scriptures and its prophecies pointing to the coming Messiah, beginning with the Creation and ending in the Book of Revelation.
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Dedicated to Christ Crucified